Two Years of Service (Eric C. Nielsen)

TSgt. Halls said:

Every once and a while, the 29th Infantry Division is blessed with a soldier that is a friend to all. A generous and kind soul, who thinks of others before himself. Selfless and giving, this soldier represents the best in humanity. Cpl. Nielsen is not such a person. Instead, he harasses me constantly – “Tech. Sgt. Do this, Tech. Sgt. Do that” – all in the name of “making the platoon the best it can possibly be”. Some may look at this extra effort and see a role model and example, but I see an overachiever. Unfortunately, I’m obligated to recognize your last two years of extra effort and superlative performance. We are a better place because of you. Take this 4th AOCC and WWI Victory Medal and get out of here Cpl. Back in line before I kick you out.


First rainbow!
Congratulations, Cpl., looking forward to many more!

Congratulations Corporal!

Congratulations Nielsen!

Happy Rainbow Cpl!