Two Years of Service (Munir Ghazali)

Cpl. Moore said:

PFC Ghazali joined EP4S2 back in February of this year and became a force to be reckoned with early on as a rifleman. He took up the mantle as a CE in EP4S2 filling in a vital role and has been practising, improving and getting kills there ever since. This is a very important milestone as this marks PFC Ghazali’s 2 month anniversary with EP4S2 and I suppose just ‘as’ important his 2 year anniversary here with us at the 29th, he’s a great character who engages with the unit in and out of squad and I couldn’t be happier to have someone as reliable, friendly and skillful cracking tanks alongside us in our squad. Congratulations PFC Ghazali, here’s to many more awards!

Congratulations, Ghazali!! To many more!

Congratulations, Ghazali! Here’s to many more!