Myself and another 29ther are looking for other guys here to form a wargame group within the 29th. I wanted to know if anyone is interested in joining us?
Charlie company have entered the chat.
POV: Spring Fling 2022 may ACTUALLY be a thing
We will be in touch ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Always down for some wargame!
Let me know I’m down for some Wargame… or perhaps WARNO eh?
Here is the link to the Steam Group for organizing Wargame/WARNO stuff
Link is broken.
im listening
burner server for this endeavor
When you join if you use a different name than your steam/29th just throw on a nickname in the style
ex. PFC Wells CP1S3
Link will be active for 7 days from this post. Updated links may be posted as edits.
I own this game but have never played it lol, now I’m interested.
Is it possible for that link to get updated again? I’m always down for some wargame
Reposting the link again, this time permanent