WARNO Tourney

Sorry, I can’t do the tourney, too busy today

Melero, yunger and shields on as team. when is this happening?

Once the tournament starts and seeding/teams are determined everyone will have 6 weeks to complete all of their matches. Organizing matches is the responsibility of the teams.


We’ve collected and made teams, seeded them, and randomly assigned 6 player maps.

The Challonge Link is live: https://challonge.com/uf70w8iw

The Ruleset and game parameters are finalized: Fall 2023 WARNO Tournament - Google Sheets

Teams have 6 weeks from today to complete their matches; until Monday, November 13. Once 6 weeks has expired or the matches are complete, the tournament will conclude. Matches can be played at any time in any order, but obviously only once.

Please report scores as they come in to me on Steam so I can update Challonge. Let the WARNO begin!

Best of luck -

I cannot see specified game mode, starting points, income rate, time limit for rounds and victory conditions. Can we have those set please?

On the Excel spreadsheet, there is a tab at the bottom that lists the parameters for the matches.

I am a dumb person doing dumb mistakes.